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Your Company Culture
A company culture cannot simply be created as a checklist item in a business plan, it comes into existence as a result of your vision for your business and how successful you are in communicating that to others
It runs through the company from top to bottom, inside and out. It is the lifeblood of the business, its soul, its DNA that provides a togetherness for staff and an identity for customers and suppliers.
Put simply, it is the personality of the business through which values, expectations, standards, ethics and goals are defined and easily understood for all stakeholders.
How can we help?
Define, Recruit, Communicate, Train, Reinforce, Review.
We have a tried and tested framework we have developed over the years and after all the proof of the pudding is in the eating. In reviewing whether you have succeeded you should have a good feel as to whether you have a healthy culture in your business, and if you are not sure you will have metrics like staff turnover, KPI from your Brand Embassy and staff surveys to help you. Reviewing and protecting your culture starts on day 1 and never stops.
On day 1 however, you need to define what you and your business stand for, design a recruitment process to attract and hire the best talent in the marketplace, likeminded people who share your passion. Communicating your vision never ends, getting your team to believe. Equipping your people with the skills to deliver your shared vision is vital. Critically, structured engagement and reinforcement with your teams regularly is needed to maintain focus and momentum. Put simply, recognition, reward and fun are the most powerful motivators.