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Cradle to Grave.
Getting impartial objective advice right from the outset is critical when considering whether to invest time and money into a land acquisition or assembly, a self-build or even a refurbishment, let alone before getting detailed planning, developing and selling any scheme.
The journey from cradle to grave before you hand those keys over can often be a long one, even on smaller projects, so continuity with your partners, suppliers and importantly the local community is paramount. Getting the strategy right on acquisition and disposal, getting the right intelligence at the right time, information you can rely on is key.
Whatever your plans are let us help you make informed decisions about the best way forward.
Doing your homework.
If you are a SME developer, you need to be able pull many different people and skill sets together and rely on a flow of good quality information to be able to make the right decisions.
Pre-acquisition advice would cover unit mixes, design and specification, target market and buyer profiling, market & area analysis, community engagement, local plans, net bio diversity, renewables, ecological impacts, agent strategy, sales values, comparable and competitor evidence. Consideration at an early stage would normally be given to a marketing strategy and depending on your investment cycle and unit type would include a mixture of early release off plan and latter stock unit sales to maximise returns over the lifetime of the project.
It's about making a site or development commercially viable whilst at the same time the right fit for the local community and environment. There is always some risk, less or more depends on how prepared you are.

How can we help?
Blueprints are not just for buildings or sites. They have to consider a whole lot more todays world - NBD, renewable energy, water saving, CO2 emissions, ecology and of course the local community and infrastructure, where considerations are more sensitive than ever with often the wrong sites going in the wrong place to hit targets on spreadsheet.
Using a third party consultant on a site by site basis not only keeps costs down, freeing you up to run your business, but gives you the independent expertise required.
We have over 20 years' experience of managing the cradle to grave delivery of sites, delivering thousands of sales, mainly in London and the Home Counties for a multitude of developers from small to international PLCs. Strategies are always going to be bespoke to the client, site, and need.
Get in touch for an initial discussion about your current or future projects.

Consultancy Services
Collaborative efforts.
If you are looking to improve and grow your business over the coming months and years, there are several intrinsically linked areas to consider that will both increase turnover and drive efficiencies, whether designed to make it more profitable for the current stakeholders involved or maximising value as part of a planned exit strategy.
Here are the 12 essential parts of the jigsaw. Get in touch to set up an initial complimentary consultation.